Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jacob's Jet-Pack

   So for whatever reason, one I can't seem to really pin down,  I've decided to start this blog. Just a place to share the family photos and achievements. To ramble and maybe occasionally rant.  To be a show off and jump up and down like a kid in preschool yelling "Look what I did! Look what I did!"

   However, where to begin? Well......"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start......." If you at least know what song starts that way, we're headed towards a beautiful friendship! In my world the year begins in September. January feels like the middle. August, very much like the end. Today, My three oldest children headed off to start the new school year, another great reason to start today, three fewer interruptions! 

  And What to begin with? Other bloggers with whom I've chatted said just jump in! eventually it all falls in to place and makes some sort of blog world sense. Pinterest has been inspiring. the goal being to DO not just PIN. So I went back to the very first thing I had ever  pinned, and it was an idea for a fun homemade jet-pack. I'd been meaning to make this thing for my youngest son Jacob (four later this month)  And one day last month I just did. IT was a lot of fun, more work than I had counted on and worth every second. He loves that thing more than most of the toy's I have spent ton's of money on. 

    So here it is, Jacob's Jet-Pack.

   I used two 1.5 liter bottles, cardboard, hot glue, crepe paper in red, yellow and a little blue, metallic spray paint ( I used brushed nickle because it's what I had on hand, It's amazing what i always have "on hand",  and duct tape. The only difficult part was trying to figure out the length for the straps. 

He Flew around for hours

Volume is a little loud with a big noisy truck going by, so turn it down if you watch! 

The "flames" are a little tattered now, he doesn't even seem to notice. Just loves to fly around. And say's "Thank you Mama, I love my cool jet-pack you made for me." Nothing beats that.  :)

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