So I decided to put together a place to play with and store the hundreds of Legos we have collected over the past fifteen years.
I had everything available on hand. ThThis lack end table I stole from my oldest bedroom. It's a $7.99 table from Ikea. There 15 inch Lego board, spray adhesive, tape measure, some tape, and a piece of chalk, Sandpaper, newspaper and white paint.
First I centered the board on the table using the tape measure to be sure I had the same distance on each side left over. Then traced around it with a piece of chalk. I removed the board and scuffed up the table with the sandpaper. I also scuffed up the back of the board.
Then I taped it off with tape and newspaper. I sprayed the table and back of the board heavily with the adhesive. Make sure you get it lined up properly because it's very tacky and won't allow you to adjust it.
I used some weights and a container of kitty litter to hold the board down. It took over twenty four hours for the board to be secure. Then I taped off a section halfway between the edge of the board and the table. Yes. I used duct tape. :-)
And this is what you think get. A place for Legos in the middle and for cars on the edges.
Cute, easy, fun! Try it!